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Exact Nature, 2002
68" x 68" Acrylic on canvas

Warm Up, 2011
72" x 60" Acrylic and metallic pigment on Canvas

Vigorous, 2014
36" x 25 3/4" Acrylic on canvas

Volatile, 2014
53" x 55" Acrylic on canvas

Earthly, 2014
50" x 53" Acrylic on canvas

Violent, 2014
60" x 48" Acrylic on canvas

Seasonal Affect, 2014
48" x 36" Acrylic on canvas

Work in Progress, 2016
9" x 12" Acrylic and Metallic pigment on Masonite

February Electric, 2016
16" x 12" Acrylic and Metallic pigment on Masonite
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